New Perspectives in Latin American and Latine studies Conference

Contributed by Charles R. Venator Santiago

This academic year El Instituto will hold a graduate conference that explores New Perspectives in Latin American and Latine studies. Our understanding of new perspectives extends beyond contemporary regional matters; their grounding connects to its longstanding historical, political and economic challenges rooted thoroughly in Latin America and the Caribbean.  We welcome proposals for presentations from across disciplines in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, visual and plastic arts and sociocultural linguistics as well as from the fields of law, business, public policy, social work, public health, and education, among others in any media or format.


The conference welcomes proposals outside the specific theme, including those related to U.S. Latino/a/e communities. Papers and panel presentations may be in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.  We welcome complete panels, individual proposals, creative workshops, round tables, book discussions and accept individual and teamwork presentations. You can find more information in Eventbrite. For further questions about the conference, email

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