Month: May 2023

Outstanding Senior Women Academic Achievement Awardee: Heidi Pineda

Contributed by Katerina Gonzalez Seligmann and Anne Gebelein.  Congratulations to Heidi Pineda, senior in Latino & Latin American Studies, who has won the Outstanding Senior Women Academic Achievement Award. The dean’s office let us know that competition for this honor was exceptionally high, as they received nominations from across all 38 units in the College […]

ELIN Pre-doctoral Awardee: Constance Holden

Contributed by Constance Holden My dissertation examines gender, Blackness, and visual culture in modern Argentina. As my research links popular representations of Blackness to how African-descended women charted their own destinies, I became curious about the specific experiences of African-descended women scholars of Latin America. It was at this juncture that I learned about Black […]