The Puerto Rican Studies Initiative

Contributed by Charles R. Venator-Santiago.

Charles R. Venator-Santiago received a $210,000 grant from the Connecticut General Assembly to continue working on the Puerto Rican Studies Initiative during the 2023-2024 academic year. The Puerto Rican Studies Initiative for Community Engagement and Public Policy (PRSI) is a research initiative seeking to document and support Puerto Ricans’ vital economic, intellectual, and cultural contributions to Connecticut and to provide research-based support for the development of public policies addressing the needs of Puerto Ricans in the State of Connecticut.

This initiative is part of a collaboration among various programs, including El Instituto (UConn Storrs, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), Puerto Rican and Latin@ Studies Project (UConn Hartford, School of Social Work), and the Hispanic Health Council/Mi Casa. This initiative was initially funded during the 2022-2023 academic year by the Connecticut General Assembly with American Rescue Plan Act funds. For more information, please visit the PRSI webpage.