Contributed by Samuel Martínez

The Elizabeth Mahan Fund for Graduate Studies in Latin American and Latino Studies is a UConn Foundation account dedicated to providing the added support that our Master’s students need to do original research for theses across a variety of humanities and social science fields. Whether their research involves on-site fieldwork, archival study, or interviews with cultural leaders, the Mahan Fund is there for our students to apply to. While the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences provides our students stipends and a tuition waiver, the Mahan Fund and other supplemental funding sources provide students who could not otherwise afford it the chance to make a mark through research. Our students’ theses can result in publications, serve as a credential for applying to doctoral programs, or be shared with interested community partners. The Mahan Fund thus forms an essential part of the package of assistantships, coursework and faculty mentoring through which the MA in Latina/o and Latin American Studies enables first-generation and international college graduates to acquire advanced academic skill levels. Our graduates go on to start careers in academia, philanthropy, development aid, and community organizing, or enter doctoral programs at leading universities.
You can make a big difference to a young scholar’s career with your gift today. Donations to the Elizabeth Mahan Fund for Graduate Studies in Latin American and Latino Studies help pay for our MA students’ living stipends and support their research telling the stories of Latinos in Connecticut, across the Americas and around the world. The Mahan Fund will be El Instituto’s featured fund for giving in UConn Gives 2022, from 7 a.m. March 30 through 7 p.m. March 31. Donations are also accepted year-round at the UConn Foundation Website.